Claudia Chiodi, Ph.D.
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Short biography
Claudia is a 30 years old Italian researcher. She did her Bachelor in Environmental Sciences and her Master in Agricultural Sciences at University of Padova, Italy. Then, she obtained a scholarship to work on soil DNA extraction for one year before starting her Ph.D.
Research summary
Claudia got her Ph.D. at the University of Padova, Italy, in Plant Genetics and Molecular Biology. She spent three years working on biotic stresses on sugar beet. In particular, her Ph.D. thesis focused on the genetic resistance to rhizomania virus. After her Ph.D., she started a postdoc at Universitè Libre de Bruxelles in Plant Genetics and Bioinformatics. Her current project regards the response of B. napus to Nitrogen deficiency.
Bioinformatics, Plant Genetics, Biotic and Abiotic Stresses, Nitrogen Uptake, Brassica