Today we look back on our successful #briaswriteshop "Why thinking long term matters? "Foresight planning for sustainable and resilient food systems" on 26 April 2022! A huge thanks to our organizers #briasfellow Dr. Rathana Peou Norbert-Munns (FAO) and Professor Nel de Mûelenaere (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and all of our fantastic participants including: Karlijn Muiderman (Utrecht University), Lale Karayake Lee (FAO), Aniek Hebinck (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Timo von Wirth (Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB)), Monika Zurek (University of Oxford), Kasper Kok (Wageningen University & Research)), Pedro Sergio (Universidade de Coimbra & Wageningen University & Research), Beau Damen (FAO), Rogier Schulte (Wageningen University & Research), Elizabeth Freed (Wageningen University & Research), Miriam Prys-Hansen (German Institute of Global and Area Studies GIGA), and Moctar Sacande (FAO)! Read more about the event and exciting developments to come, see files below!
Brussels Institute for Advanced Studies (BrIAS) Vrije Universiteit Brussel Université libre de Bruxelles #sustainability #foodsystems #resilience #foodinsecurity #climatecrisis #foresight #planning #policy