Stefan Gerth, Dr. rer. Nat.
Home university/institution and department/research group
Head of Department Application-specific Methods and Systems, Fraunhofer-IIS, Development center x-ray technology
Short biography
Stefan Gerth finished his PhD thesis in physics end of 2012 at the Friedrich Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. In April 2016 he became the head of the group “Innovative System Design” within the Fraunhofer Development Center for X-ray technology. In 2020 he got promoted to the head of department “Application-specific methods and systems”.
Research summary
Beginning 2013 he started to apply Computed Tomography in the field of plant phenotyping in the year 2013 as a research assistant at the Fraunhofer Development Center X-ray technology. His group is developing software and hardware solutions to increase the throughput of Computed Tomography and automate the complete imaging pipeline in the data post processing. His main focus is the data driven visualization and automated quantification of features using non-destructive methods.
Data analysis, Plant phenotyping, X-ray computed tomography, Root system architecture.