Dr. Rathana Peou Norbert-Munns
Dr. Rathana Peou Norbert-Munns is an experienced researcher and practitioner on Climate change, Agriculture and Food Security currently based in S.E. Asia. She has an extensive experience in design, implementation, capacity building and analysis within the practice of foresight planning in Food Systems. Dr. Peou Norbert-Munns brings a depth of experience and expertise within the fields of Foresight and Scenarios Planning in Asia, actively contributing over the past 10 years to the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) as a Regional Scenarios Coordinator first in South Asia, and then in Southeast Asia. Since 2021, she is the FAO Climate Foresight and Scenarios Development expert for the regional office of Asia Pacific and Cambodia. With her team, she is the 2022 winner of the Association of Professional Futurists (APF) awards for her work in Lao PDR focusing on integrating agro-climatic data into resilient agriculture pathways for decision making in land uses and crops prioritisations. Since 2015, Dr. Rathana has been supporting the ASEAN Climate Resilience Network with tailored foresight exercises and policy guidance on Climate Smart Agriculture. In 2018, she provided technical assistance to member countries to promote and formulate climate smart agriculture projects. She has been working closely with the ASEAN Inter- Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) in her role of research director of the Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia. She developed the first curriculum on climate diplomacy and organised events and forums to support key stakeholders to develop joint approaches to address climate change using scenarios development and testing for actions pathways. She continues to provide technical inputs for policy development, guidelines at national and regional level, e.g. the ASEAN Vision and Strategic Plan for Food, Agriculture and Forestry Cooperation 2025, Sendai Framework Mid- term review, etc..
Research summary
Her research interests lie in the "4 inviolate principles": food security, water security, energy security and social "health" security with her current research focusing on the futures of Food, Agriculture and Climate Change within the ASEAN Member States (AMS).
Use of Strategic foresight, scenarios development, climate policy development, climate smart agriculture policies and investments, climate resilient of agri-food system, low emission and sustainable agri-food systems in Asia and Pacific