Eduardo Camacho
Eduardo is an Emeritus Professor of the University of Seville. He is an IFAC fellow and a IEEE fellow. He has co-authored the books: “Model Predictive Control in the Process industry” (1995), “Advanced Control of Solar Plants” (1997) and “Model Predictive Control” (2004 second edition) published by Springer-Verlag, “Control e Instrumentación de Procesos Quimicos” published by Ed. Sintesis, “Control of Dead-time Processes” (2007) and “Control of Solar Energy Systems” (2012) published by Springer Verlag. He chaired the IFAC publication Committee, the IFAC Policy Committee, the IEEE/CSS International Affairs Committee. He was the president of the European Union Control Association (EUCA), elected member of the IEEE CSS Board of Governors. He has carried out review and editorial work for conferences and technical journals. He was the General Chair of the joint 44 IEEE Control and Decision Conference (CDC) and European Control Conference (ECC) held in 2005 and co-general chair of the joint 50 IEEE Control and Decision Conference (CDC) and European Control Conference (ECC) held in 2011. His main research interest are in the areas of model predictive control and solar energy, areas where he has participated and coordinated many research projects and authored and co-authored books, and many papers in journals and conferences. He has been awarded by the European Research Council an Advanced Grant.
model predictive control, control of solar energy systems
Organisatie informatie
University of Sevilla, Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática
C. de los Descubrimientos, s/n. Pabellón Pza. de América
41092 Sevilla