Jeroen Candel, Professor Dr.
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Wageningen University, Public Administration and Policy Group
Dr. Jeroen Candel finished a bachelor in Public Administration and Organisational Science and a master in Public Governance (cum laude) at Utrecht University before completing his PhD research entitled 'Putting food on the table: the European Union governance of the wicked problem of food security' at Wageningen University. He currently works as associate professor in food and agricultural policy at Wageningen University, the Netherlands. Apart from his academic duties, Dr. Candel closely engages with policymakers and stakeholders to provide suggestions for improved food governance. He is a member of the Dutch Council on Animal Affairs and the supervisory board of the foundation Transitiecoalitie Voedsel (‘the Food transition Coalition’).
Research summary
Dr. Candel’s research concentrates on the question of how governments, from local to EU level, can support a transition towards a more sustainable food system. In his most recent publications, he has reflected on the ground-breaking potential of the EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy and provided recommendations for improvements of the Common Agricultural Policy. He has also contributed to broader theorization within the political sciences, most notably on policy integration, policy styles and coordination within the European Commission. His research was awarded the Van Poelje Award for best Public Administration dissertation in the Netherlands and Flanders and the Lasswell Prize for best publication in Policy Sciences.
Food policy, agricultural policy, European Union politics, food systems, public policy theory