Gabriela Leila Berto, Dra.
Senior fellow
Home university/institution and department/research group
- Department of Biotechnology
- Lorena School of Engineering
- University of São Paulo
Dra. Gabriela Berto is researcher in a co-operationproject among Petrobras (Brazilian largest petrol industry) and University of São Paulo. She is forest engineering and has expertise inbio-based materials, specially nanocellulose production and application.
Research summary
Production and application of nanocellulose by combination of biocatalyst and mechanical defibrillation process. This process saves energy on cellulose nanofibrils plant-based production and allows to tailor their properties for specific application, por example, food packing, rheological food modifier and foam.
Nanocellulose, cellulosenanofibrills, glycosyl hydrolyses, endoglucanases, enzyme-cellulose interaction.