Michela Schiavon, Associate Professor, PhD
Home university/institution and department/research group
University of Turin; Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Forestali e Alimentari (DISAFA); Biogeochemistry and Soil fertility Research group
Short biography
Michela Schiavon is Associate Professor in Agriculture Chemistry at Turin University, and Faculty associate member at the Colorado State University (USA). She holds a PhD in Crop Productivity and her main expertise is in plant nutrition and physiology, selenium biofortification, phytoremediation. She has taken responsibilities or has been involved as investigator in one project funded by US National Science Foundation and in national and EU projects. She is also member of the Scientific and Economic Committee of the TEAM-NET (Foundation for Polish Science).
Research summary
Michela Schiavon’s research activity was initially focused on unravelling the physiological and molecular mechanisms of heavy metal tolerance and acquisition by crops, and in metal-nutrient interactions during uptake processes. Then, she developed a major interest on the beneficial element selenium and biostimulants, with focus on their mode of action in crops to enhance NUE and resistance to abiotic stress. Further areas of research include the study of the role of emergent classes of phytohormones in root phenotyping and nutrient acquisition by crops and in phosphorus nutrition.
Plant nutrition, biofortification, biostimulants, phytoremediation, element interactions.