International Conference Brussels, June 16-17 June, 2022 Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Etterbeek Campus, Building I, Room I.2.02 Via Teams using this link to the meeting
Day 1 June 16, 2022 :
- 09h30: Samuel A. White (Columbus, OH)
Abductive inference and Bayesian Methods in Historical Climatology
- 10h15: Ann Brysbaert (Leiden, Athens)
Climate and (pre)History. Human-environment interaction in the 13th century BCE in the Argive Plain, Greece
- 11h: Coffee
- 11h30: Guy D. Middleton (Newcastle)
The Gift that Keeps on Giving: Climate change and Collapse in the Late Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean
- 12h15: Duncan C. Keenan-Jones (Brisbane)
Tiber flooding and rainfall: comparisons between written sources, speleothems and lake levels
- 13h: lunch
- 14h30: Nicolas Schroeder (Brussels)
Opening the farming blackbox: reframing the impact of climate change on early medieval societies
- 15h15: Kathleen Pribyl (Antwerp, Norwich)
Climatic stress and societal responses in late medieval England
- 16h: S. Guillet (Geneva)
Volcanic forcing vs natural climatic variability, a complex attribution using climate proxies: lessons from the 1170-1171 CE eruption
Day 1 June 16, 2022 :
- 9h30: Paul Erdkamp (Brussels)
Modelling climate, population and resources. A comparison of the Roman world and early-modern Europe
- 10h15: Heli Huhtamaa (Bern)
Volcanic eruptions, climate and famines
- 11h00: coffee
- 11h30: Andrea Kiss (Vienna)
The neighbour’s grass is always greener? Town council minutes on weather-related extremes: two West-Hungarian towns in the 17th-19th centuries
- 12h15: Fiona Williamson (Singapore)
Atmosphere, environment, society: the typhoon vulnerability nexus in early twentieth-century Hong Kong
- 13h00: lunch
- 14h30: Elaine Lin (Taipei)
Locust plagues, climate variability and societal responses in the Chinese dynasties
- 15h15: Vinita Damodaran (Brighton)
Historical climate vulnerability in South Asia; Floods, droughts, famines and cyclones
- 16h00: Kari De Pryck (Paris)
The end of history? The role of history in climate expertise
In person participation is open and free for all, but for logistical reasons, please register by email to